Sunday School Commentaries-“Precepts for Living”-Urban Ministries, Inc. which goes from September, 2020-August 2021 can be purchased at CLC (Christian Literature Crusade at Cedarbrook Mall), on-line Christian Book Distributor, Urban Ministry Incorporated website! Large print-$22.95, small print-$19.95.
The church is open on Mondays and Thursdays. All announcements, concerns, and information will be received and addressed. Also, we encourage you to continue to give tithes and offerings either by mail, on-line, or bring it! Any emergency needs please call the church at (215) 228-8000.
DVD’s-$7 & CD’s-$5- for all services are available at the church when we are open on Mondays & Thursdays.
Our Super Food pantry is only on Thursdays, until further notice! @ 10 am-12 Noon.
Bible Study and Mid-Week Worship is every Thursday. A new feature is we are having it on Thursdays when the church is open. We are offering two sessions, one in the morning @10 am, and the afternoon @1pm. We can only accommodate 25 people each session! We are asking that you register by on Mondays by Noon, so we can keep the proper numbers of people. Masks are required! Temperatures will be taken of everyone entering the church by our nurses or security.
October 4, 2020-Originally we were planning to have Sunday School and Worship on the parking lot. However, we will keep our same format of live-streaming for everyone! That way no one will be left out because we can only get a certain number of cars on the parking lot! We will plan an outside worship at another time, over in 2021 when the entire church family will be able to participate! Please have your elements for Communion prepared?
If you are interested in working for Voter Registration, please contact Ms. Rosa Woods (215) 450-5902, the pay is $15 per hour! The training is until October, 19, 2020.
Follow us on Facebook, and visit our website for updates.
Funeral Services:
Memorial Services for Mrs. Myrtle Godwin, September 28, 2020 @10:00 in the off street chapel.
Thank You Cards:
Mrs. Blanche Johnson
The family of Alfred E. Smith
Prayer Request:
Sis. Diane Bacon
Sis. Sharon Ingram
Sis. Karen Barrett