Announcements – May 16, 2021

Mid-Week Morning B6, 2021ible Study every Wednesday-10am-11:45! Registration is required for attendance!

Church Directories are available to be picked up when the church is open during the week! (Not on Sundays because of CoVid regulations)

May 18th we vote! It is vital that we vote!  Triumph Baptist is a polling place for Ward 13- Divisions: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22.

The Family Practice and Counseling Network will be administering the Pfizer Vaccine, here for those 12 years and older.  We need two hundred or more to register.  Call the church office at (215) 228-8000 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.  Once we have reached that quota those persons will be notified with a date.

All seniors that do not have internet access can now call in to listen to our worship services on Sundays.  (602) 580-9250-Access code is 5071207* Also for those who watch our services on Facebook, YouTube, like and share our services with others.  CD’s & DVD’s of our worship services can be ordered, please call the church or Deacon Warren Brown (215) 205-2263.

To register for attendance to Sunday services call the church (215)228-8000 or go on the church’s website  You must register for Service every Sunday.  All registrations must be completed by Thursday 1pm.

Now, once you have registered and come on the designated Sunday, you will be ushered to designated seats!  We still have to comply with the Department of Public Health on the social distancing.  No one can just sit where they want to, or where they use to.  You will be seated according to the guidelines that we all must follow.

Job Opportunity for Social Workers-Episcopal Community Services-Call Ms. Carlene Gregory


Free Tax Prep & Filing-When the church is open.  (267)563-2123


Prayer Requests:

Mr. Ed Smiley

Ms. Hannah Wallace

Ms. Joan Satterthwaite-Temple

Mr. John Bynum-Einstein Hospital

Mr. Guysen Lockett

Ms. Karen Barrett

Deacon Roberto Johns

Mrs. Lillian Lewis

Karen Coe & Family

Benita Brown

Cynthia Thompson & Family

Betty Talley’s mother Mrs. Bessie Scott

Tracey White and family

Cynthia Byrd

Gregg Carlton’s father-Windsor Carlton

Marsha Burnette and Family


Homegoing services

Della Baker- to be arranged

Millie Brown-to be arranged


Thank You:

Mrs. Freda Scriber

The family of Julius (Jay) Crawford



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